Art provides solace when the mind becomes crowded

Who is JAK?


Jane Allison Kershaw

When you get to this time of your life everything becomes so much more amplified. Sunsets, nature and life are full of colour and depth of feeling. I found art late in my life - 9 years ago in my early forties. After the usual happy and tragic life events we all experience, I found a friendly evening class which became my healing and sanctuary. The best bit though was still to come, people loved my artwork and that was the icing on the cake. I have given my art as gifts and also now sell my work. The reactions from people have really shocked me but also warmed my heart. It has spurred me on to keep creating and offering a space of comfort in this somewhat chaotic world! I have no style or subject I give it all a go but I am partial to watercolours, pastels and inks.

It leaves me to say ‘thank you’ for visiting and to those who have supported me on this journey so far. Enjoy having a peruse.

Love always Jane Kershaw (JAK) xxx


Photo by Alessia Glauda

In memory of Lucy Amanda Kershaw (LAK)…to live in hearts is not to die.

All art created by and all rights belong to Jane Kershaw. Logo and site layout by Jay Bennett